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We can end harassment and assault at work.
We can stop workplace sexual violence.
This is how to stop the offenders.

The Safe

at Work Policy


Insurance protects business owners, not employees

Insurance has one job - it protects a company's income. But today, companies that buy insurance are starting to recognize that their success is tied to the well-being of the people and things they affect: their communities, the environment, their customers, and especially their employees.

For employees and for companies, insurance needs to step up and protect employees from harm, including sexual harassment and assault. Today, insurance works against assault survivors in an effort to protect companies. 


Standing Meeting



Most often, when an employee is harassed or assaulted in the workplace, the system in place causes the employee to be doubly victimized. Here's how:



As soon as a Human Resources team determines that an employee has been attacked, corporate leaders need to fire the harasser every time, and insurance needs to empower this decision, not hinder it. Insurance has the potential to align a company - its brand and its reputation - with the safety and wellbeing of its employees. 

Contact us at info [at] safeatworkpolicy [dot] com to learn more. 

On a mission to fix the workplace.

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Let's say you're a CFO, and the
Head of Human Resources tells you an employee has reported being assaulted by a supervisor. HR investigates and finds the claim to be viable. After providing notice to your insurance policy, 
what do you do? >>

© 2021 by The Safe at Work Policy, 
an all-volunteer organization.

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